Self-publishing as resistance 
Friday 23 May from 4 to 8 PM, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 May from 10 AM to 2 PM Ignacio Navas
When: Friday 23 May from 4 to 8 PM, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 May from 10 AM to 2 PM
Where? Disseny Hub Barcelona
Price 100€.
Maximum capacity 10 participants
The workshop Self-Publishing as Resistance is a practical experience for the multidisciplinary self-publishing of handmade artist’s books. In the workshop we will not only talk about books. We want to avoid the mere compilation of images in the sequence of pages of an album, so we will experiment and analyse objects that have the vocation of wanting to be something more, that expand, that seek to go beyond their physical limits. We will better understand the absolute singularity of the medium and get to know its inner workings. The result must allow the story to evolve and continue to grow in order to act effectively.
The artist’s book is a work in itself, it can even be an object with total autonomy with respect to the series. It does not have to be tackled at the end of the work process, when the images are already finished. Working on the concept of the book at the beginning of the artistic project allows us to approach the narrative with a different, more committed and deeper approach. To do this, we will need to be familiar with a series of specific areas, such as editing, design, layout and binding, as well as the possibilities that exist in printing, in order to visualise the book while the images are being created.
Registration form
The main objective is for the person participating in the workshop to reach an initial level of knowledge of the artist’s book that will allow them self-sufficiency, either to create limited edition works bound entirely by hand, to create physical mock-ups with a professional finish or to effectively lead a work team for the production of publications in a collaborative context. The maquette, both physical and digital with mockups, will be the basic tool for reflection, but also the most suitable format for presenting the project to calls for proposals, publishers, curators, etc. Although many of these tasks may be carried out by external collaborators, the handling of certain knowledge will give us a great advantage, of a curatorial nature, to lead the whole process of creation. The workshop will also serve as a starting point, in terms of acquiring basic knowledge, so that each person can evolve and explore the book as an art object on their own and enter into the fascinating task of exploring its limits.
The workshop is fundamentally practical. Among other techniques, we will see binding without sewing, when it will be convenient to use a type of Japanese binding or sewn sheets with soft cover or more advanced bindings such as the use of hard covers, several booklets, flat spine, as well as the different types of sewing on exposed spine.
In the workshop we will analyse artists’ books that are art objects, where form and content go hand in hand in favour of the story. We will see how their structure works, what makes them different, where it is very common to find an advanced interpretation of the concept of binding and a questioning of the conventional structure of the book format.
In addition, the workshop will provide a series of functional knowledge to tackle this fundamental format for communicating a project. In terms of technical issues, we will practice with folding techniques and we will see how it is possible to build a book without a spine, without sewing and without adhesives, simply by broadening the notion of the structure of the book. We will also analyse aspects such as the parts of a book, the characteristics of paper, what to take into account when printing, the different types of binding, thread, stitching, adhesives, materials for covers and other physical elements of a paper publication. We will also see that with a few very basic and affordable tools it is possible to produce professional quality bindings.
– Analysis of reference artist’s books and object books. Several artist’s books will be analysed in order to study their technique, the treatment of the story and its relationship with the binding used, as well as their character as objects.
– Introduction to the tools, materials and basic concepts of bookbinding. Among other concepts, the characteristics of paper, the direction of the fibre, composition, manufacture, etc. will be analysed. As well as the anatomy and parts of a book, the imposition of the pages, analysis of the printing sheet, reference guidelines, etc.
– Study and comparison of prototypes with different bindings available, Japanese, booklets, flat spine, etc. With physical prototypes to view and analyse.
– Analysis of other techniques within the book, fold-outs, inserts, pop-ups, etc.
– First practice: Folding and sewing a book with 5-hole stitching and cover. A simple practice that will introduce us to the very easy construction of a book.
– Second practice: Binding a flat spine book with hard covers. This practice will allow us to acquire a large part of the concepts and techniques of bookbinding in order to be able to tackle more complex projects in the future and to be able to make our own book models.
About Roberto Aguirrezabala (1971, Bilbao)
Roberto Aguirrezabala is a visual artist who graduated in Fine Arts in 1995. His multidisciplinary training in audiovisuals, new technologies, sculpture and painting has led him to develop a photographic work of an essayistic nature, a synthesis between documentary and fiction in which intervened objects, installation, engraving and drawing coexist to explore the conflicts, both of identity and social and political, of the individual through historical memory. He has published seven artist books and photobooks, We Came for Games (2024), Hidden Book (2023), Samizdat (2022), Two Thousand Words (2021), Fascism + Apocalyptic (2020), Antimanifesto (2020) and War Edition (2019), as well as the monograph Entropy (2016). His current publishing research focuses on limited editions made entirely by hand, where the object book concept is at the core.
He has had several solo exhibitions, including the exhibition Museo de la guerra at the Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria; Entropía at Bilbao Arte and the exhibition at the Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo, Huarte. His work can also be seen in numerous national and international group exhibitions. Aguirrezabala’s work is in numerous private and public collections, such as Galerie Le Château d’Eau, Toulouse, France; De Pietri Artphilen Foundation, Lugano, Switzerland; Museo Reina Sofía; Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao; Museo San Telmo; Fundación Ankaria; among others.
His artistic career has been recognised with awards such as: Honourable Mention in the Discovery Award 2024 at the Encontros da Imagem festival (Braga, Portugal); Honourable Mention in the Photobook Award 2023 at the Encontros da Imagem festival (Braga, Portugal); Finalist in the Singapore International Photography Festival 2024 (SIPF), Open Call Showcase 2024 – Photobooks, Singapore; 3rd Prize at the EI Photobook Award 2022 – Encontros da Imagen, Braga, Portugal; Les Rencontres de la Photographie D’Arles 2022; Singapore International Photography Festival 2022 (SIPF), Singapore; Athens Photo Festival 2022, Greece; Lucie Photobook Prize 2021 New York, USA, Les Rencontres de la Photographie D’Arles 2021, France, Festival PhotoBookWeek Aarhus 2021, Denmark, PHotoESPAÑA 2019. In addition, his artistic career has been recognised with awards such as: Visual Arts Grant Basque Government 2022, 2019, 2019, 2018, 2016 and 2010; VI Premio Libro de Artista Ciudad de Móstoles 2021, Ayuda del Misterio de Cultura 2022 and 2021; Ayudas a la creación de VEGAP 2020; Premio Montehermoso en el Festival Viphoto 2018; First prize V Premio Ankaria al libro de artista 2018; Acquisition Award Sala El Brocense 2017; Photographer of the Year at the International Photography Awards IPA 2017 in its Spanish edition; Special mention PHotoEspaña in the Photography Award Fundación Enaire 2017, Bilbao Arte Scholarships in 2015 and 2010; First prize for the best work of net. art X Canariasmediafest in 2002; Generation Grant 2001 from Caja Madrid; Prize to the revelation artist at the Navarra Video Festival in 1998, among others.