
anterior Trinta Arte Contemporánea Santiago de Compostela siguiente

Vari Caramés

TRINTA arte contemporánea
Virxe da Cerca, 24
15703 Santiago de Compostela
Tel. +34 981 584 623
Mail: trinta@trinta.net
Web: www.trinta.net

The Trinta gallery has existed since 1985 and is linked to artists committed to contemporary language and practices. It stands out for its unwavering commitment to plastic modernity. As an exhibition and sales space, during this time it has held nearly 400 exhibitions of contemporary artists, both national and foreign. Since its beginnings, it has collaborated with different generations of creators, with photography and Spanish conceptual art being the two lines of work that define its trajectory and set the guidelines for the gallery project. Always linked to the reality of the context in which it carries out its activity, Trinta collaborates with an important group of Galician artists whom it has accompanied, in many cases, since their beginnings. In 2015 Trinta was awarded the Premio da Cultura Galega by the Xunta de Galicia.

Vari Caramés proposes with this walk through the Fraga de Cecebre (A Coruña), where Wenceslao Fernández Flórez was inspired for his book El Bosque Animado. He creates a memory and homage to those moments when lights and dreams surround us and whisper like the trees in the novel through colour photography with a poetic treatment.