Exhibition of the shortlisted for the II Zampa Photojournalism Award 
Gabo Caruso, Raúl Moreno, Adra Pallón, Daniel Loewe, Nuria López Torres, Santi Donaire, José Colón, Ruido Photo, Brais Lorenzo, Diego Herrera
From 20 October to 15 December Sindicat de la Imatge UPIFC

Exhibition of the shortlisted for the II Zampa Photojournalism Award
From 20 October to 15 December
Sindicat de la Imatge UPIFC, Carrer Espronceda 131, Barcelona
Collective exhibition of the 10 shortlisted artists ” Cora by Gabo Caruso; Cuando los rusos se marcharon by Raúl Moreno; Demotanasia by Adra Pallón; El hombre del bosque by Daniel Loewe; Hijas de ningún Dios by Nuria López Torres; Hijos de la desmemoria by Santi Donaire; Neither here nor there by José Colón; Primary. Defenders against global deforestation by Ruido Photo; Scorched earth by Brais Lorenzo; Ukraine, the last war in Europe by Diego Herrera.
The winner of the II Premi Zampa is: Demotanasia by Adra Pallón.
The Asociación Fotográfica El Masnou (FEM) together with the City Council of El Masnou and the Fundación la Calandria, organise the Héctor Zampaglione Photojournalism Award, Zampa Award, with the aim of supporting, recognising and disseminating photojournalism and documentary photography.
It also pays tribute to the photojournalist and activist Héctor Zampaglione, founder of the FEM and member of the Image Union UPIFC, who passed away in September 2019. With his informative work he contributed widely to the dissemination of photographic culture.
The Zampa Prize aims to be a meeting point for professionals in the sector and interested members of the public, as well as students of photography, journalism and photojournalism.
For this next edition, the call for entries has the support of the following institutions: FEM Asociación Fotográfica El Masnou; Ayuntamiento de El Masnou; Fundación la Calandría; Diputación de Barcelona, UPIFC Sindicato de la Imagen, Fundación Photographic Social Vision; IEFC; EGM; Logística Humanitaria.
The defence of the 10 finalists will take place in El Masnou on 18 November 2023. https://www.premiozampa.org/ @premiozampa.”