
anterior Pigment Gallery Barcelona siguiente

Marta Fàbregas

Pigment Gallery
Carrer de Trafalgar, 70
08010 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 452 81 62
Mail: info@pigmentgallery.es
Web: www.pigmentgallery.es

Pigment Gallery was founded in Barcelona in 2016 by Ferran Josa with the intention of connecting with a public sensitive to the changes taking place in the art world and in the world in general. Committed to issues such as climate change, education, respect for the environment and the empowerment of women, the gallery has held several exhibitions and collaborations that point in this direction. Its line of work, made up of contemporary artists, includes promising young artists and more established artists from the Spanish and international scene. Its careful selection, the result of the eclectic taste of its founder, starts from a modern figuration and delves into other currents where we can find works by artists who are heirs to North American abstraction, material informalism or abstract geometries.

Marta Fàbregas is fascinated by collage and the search for the new. In her work it is especially important to manipulate photos, to be able to touch them and transform them, an aspect that led her to the technique of transphotography. Reusing old images by other photographers, manipulating and reinterpreting them is her way of making visible what was already invisible, of dignifying what man had ruined; it is her own way of travelling through time, of transforming, transmuting, transfiguring and transporting us to a new reality.