
anterior Magreen Gallery Genova (Italia) siguiente

Alberto Magrin

Magreen Gallery

Via Luccoli, 22/S1
16123 Genova, Italy

Via della Pineta, 5/12
16035 Rapallo, Italy

Via Livatino,16-18
27052 Godiasco-Salice Terme, Italy

Via La Tempiesa,18D
07030 Santa Maria Coghinas,Italy

Tel. (+39) 329.874.4128
Mail: info@magreengallery.it
Web: www.magreengallery.it

MAGREEN GALLERY is an avant-garde gallery representing both upcoming and internationally renowned contemporary artists. The gallery has a wide international reach and offers tailored guidance to private and corporate art collectors. The gallery was founded by Alberto Magrin in Rapallo, Italy (2014). The represented artists use every traditional language: painting, sculpture, drawing, architecture, experimenting new techniques like digital photography, video-art, performances, installations, sound art, textile art and others contemporary techniques.

Alberto Magrin’s artworks are like brackets of his life and daily routine; the artist wants to show to the viewer a world of signs and coincidences, introducing photographs in which we can explore the intimacy of his mind. His artworks (digital photographs on porcelain) enclose a deep spirituality and inside them we can find components that adds a symbolic value to the representations, researching a link between relative and absolute, natural and supernatural like to investigate scientific connections studied by neurotheology.